Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Truth About Sugar

via Men's Health Home Page on 11/20/09

Is the sweet stuff really to blame for obesity, diabetes, and other health problems?

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Build Muscle & Burn Fat At The Same Time?

via Alwyn Cosgrove by Alwyn Cosgrove on 11/14/09

Guest blog from Elliot Hulse

Build Muscle and Burn Fat At The Same Time?

The most common strategy most people employ for packing on
muscle mass, and then leaning out, is through “bulking and cutting.”
The problem though is that it doesn’t always work.

The most common scenario is that you put on more weight than you
want so you get “fat,” and then jump into endless cardio only to lose a
lot of the hard-earned muscle that you built. So, for a lot of guys the
choice seems to be between being strong and fat or weak and lean.

I’m here to tell you with absolute certainty that this doesn’t have to
be the case. You don’t have to choose between being really strong and
a bit plump or being really lean and kind of weak with little muscle

I’m going to let you in on a secret—it’s an unconventional approach that
runs contrary to ordinary training philosophies. To build the body you
want, you need to build muscle and burn fat at the same time in order
to achieve that goal of having a ripped, muscular physique.

The way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time is through
incorporating both aerobic and anaerobic activity not just in the same
training session but in the same exercise.

By combining resistance weight training with cardio training
in the same set, we force the thicker stronger Type-II (fast twitch)
muscle fibers to behave more like Type-I (slow twitch) fibers.

By utilizing both types of muscle fibers in the same exercise we can
actually build a “HYBRID” Type-IIC muscle fiber that has been
nicknamed a Type-III.

Now why would you want a Type-III hybrid muscle fiber?

This reconfigured super muscle has more mitochondrial density which
means more nutrients can be processed giving these Type-III muscle
fibers a greater capacity to grow bigger and resist fatigue for longer periods.

This style of training mimics the way that our ancestors used to live.
They didn’t train with weights one day and run laps the next. No.
The kinds of activities they did every day would have been very much
like the hybrid training we’re talking about.

Our ancestors were both muscular and lean and it didn’t result from
things they set out intentionally to do but rather, it was a natural
byproduct of the way they lived their lives.

They were able to both build muscle and burn fat at the same time
without even having to consciously think about. By adopting some of
the very same training principles that they employed, modern man
can achieve the same results.

To discover how you can tap into your hybrid muscle fibers
in order to build muscle and burn fat simultaneously go here:

Lean Hybrid Muscle


I checked out their new program myself. Similar to how we do things at Results Fitness - Mike and Elliot have integrated bodyweight training, strongman training, kettlebell training, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding. It truly is a hybrid system.

Check it out for yourself - Lean Hybrid Muscle - for a limited time, Mike and Elliot are offering their entire program and nutrition support system for 50% off.

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Aerobic training doesn't create an afterburn effect?

Very interesting read...

via Alwyn Cosgrove by Alwyn Cosgrove on 11/16/09

A recent study from the University of Colorado (published in the Journal of Applied Physiology) had participants perform an hour long easy ride and monitored the "afterburn" - to see how much fat they burned post workout.

They didn't burn any more than they did if they hadn't exercised.

From the New York Times:

To their surprise, the researchers found that none of the groups, including the athletes, experienced “afterburn.” They did not use additional body fat on the day when they exercised. In fact, most of the subjects burned slightly less fat over the 24-hour study period when they exercised than when they did not.

WAIT -- An hour long EASY ride didn't have an afterburn effect?

Really? I'm shocked..... you'd think that an hour of pedaling easily would melt the pounds off these people (note sarcasm)

And the title of the study: " When energy balance is maintained, exercise does not induce negative fat balance..." ?????

Really? If you burn 300 calories (and there is no afterburn effect or additional post-workout caloric burn) and then you replace those calories you don't lose fat?

Again -- REALLY? Who'd have thought that? (note sarcasm again)

I understand that wasn't the point of the study - but did they really think that an easy ride would increase post workout fat burning significantly? Did they also really think that - for example burning 300 calories and then eating 300 calories would have resulted in fat loss?

I think I've said A LOT that low intensity aerobics doesn't create any post workout increase in metabolism. I'm just surprised that people still thought it did.

The researchers concluded:

These data suggest that when exercise is performed with energy replacement (i.e. energy balance is maintained), 24 h fat oxidation does not increase and in fact, may be slightly decreased. It appears that the state of energy balance is an under appreciated factor determining the impact of exercise on fat oxidation.

First off I don't think anyone thinks that energy balance is an under appreciated factor. I think we all know you have to burn calories (although I do think our understanding of calories in vs calories out is probably incomplete).

But performing low intensity aerobic work in that state could LOWER fat oxidation (burning) post workout -- In other words it could be a negative?

I wonder if anyone ever said that before.

(For the record - Dr. Eric Serrano showed me research that he had done on aerobic work actually hurting fat loss back in the mid 90s)

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why is Finishing the Year Strong a MUST For You?

via Burn The Fat Blog by Tom Venuto on 11/19/09

Why is finishing 2009 STRONG and starting the new year on the right foot an ABSOLUTE MUST for you? If you can give me a good enough answer to that question, I can almost guarantee that you are going to...

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Double Dose Of Metabolism Protection: Strategic Carbohydrate Cycling

Great post from Vince Delmonte :-)

Back with another update on on the upcoming new program, Cheat Your Way Thin, and today we’ll be talking about carbohydrate cycling and how you can use this in your nutrition program to keep the hormone leptin (which we discussed yesterday) from dropping too low (resulting in fat storage).

By preventing leptin levels from dropping too low you’ll keep your metabolism soaring which means you’ll be burning fat all day long.  Have a close read over the valuable information below because it will show you what “dieting” should really be all about.

NOTE: Please read the comments from the blog post yesterday because the man-of-the-hour, Joel Marion in the flesh took the time to read your questions and give extremely detailed responses.  Do not read any further below until you understand how this important hormone – leptin – works.  I promise it will be worth your time extremely helpful for your fat loss goals.  If you need clarification on anything mentioned don’t hesitate to post below.

Click HERE to read the most important hormone you never heard of. (page opens in new window)

Below in another article from Joel that I have posted with his permission.

A Double Dose Of Metabolism Protection: Strategic Carbohydrate Cycling

Without a doubt the most important thing you can do while attempting to drop body fat is to maintain high levels of leptin day in and day out.

With Cheat Your Way Thin, we accomplish this via two different means:

First, every so often we use strategically timed periods of overfeeding or “cheating” to restore leptin levels to baseline. These full-blown cheat sessions are almost magical when it comes to interrupting the starvation feedback loop, preventing your body from “turning against” your dietary efforts and putting the kibosh on fat loss.

In addition to strategic cheating, we also use strategic carbohydrate cycling throughout the week in order to safeguard against falls in leptin and other fat burning hormones even on “diet” days.

If you paid close attention to yesterday’s article, you remember that leptin and carbohydrate have VERY strong ties. I even shared a study in which leptin levels were maintained during an all out fast (no food whatsoever) by simply maintaining blood glucose and insulin via an IV drip. Wow.

browniesI’ll clean that entire plate on my cheat, I prefer to call “treat” days

When It Comes To Leptin, Carbohydrates Are KING

But, just like with cheating, you can’t just eat a boatload of carbs every day and expect fat to magically melt away. It’s all about strategy.

So here’s how we do it.

After a Cheat Day, when leptin is extremely high and the body is incredibly primed to burn fat, we go with a low-carb approach. By going low-carb here, we can fully take advantage of the fat burning environment that the Cheat Day created. The end result – total fat loss domination early in the week.

Unfortunately, you can’t get away with this forever as leptin will inevitably start to drop off in the face of a daily absence of carbohydrate.

So just as leptin begins to drop off mid-week, guess what we do? Yep, add more carbohydrates—the influx of blood glucose and insulin push leptin back up and communicate with the brain that everything is A-OK. Then, toward the end of the week once the body begins to adapt again, we up the carb ante once again.

In addition the Cheat Days, the weekly carbohydrate progress of low to moderate to high ensures that you never go a single day without a body primed for fat loss.

With regular dieting, come week two you’re metabolism is already beginning to suffer.

Do you see how strategic this is? Do you see why this works so well?

It’s everything “typical” dieting isn’t.

Oh, and here’s another benefit of carbohydrate cycling ==> extreme variety.

Diets for the most part are BORING. Same foods every day. Not so with Cheat Your Way Thin – the menu is literally ALWAYS changing (and that’s in addition to being able to eat whatever you want on Cheat Days). Have a steak in the beginning of the week, a large fruit salad mid-week, and then pasta toward week’s end. It’s ALL fair game. We limit nothing, and frankly, you don’t have to.

yummy pizzaI will eat this entire box of pizza on another one of my treat meals

Oh, and did I mention just how HUGE all of this is psychologically?

Think back to those feelings of guilt and failure you experienced when you first “cheated” on your diet.I remember feeling like a failure and so disappointed with myself . Never again. Now when I cheat, it’s planned. And each time I do, I walk away knowing that I just accelerated my progress.

Frankly, it doesn’t get much better than knowing that you just used your favorite dessert to speed along fat loss.

Anxiety? Nope. When cravings arise, there is major comfort in knowing that you’ll be able to enjoy that very food in just a few short days when your next cheat session rolls around.

Simply put, strategic cheating solves the dietary dilema by providing you with powerful metabolic benefits and perhaps even more powerful psychological ones.

Feelings of discouragement and decreased motivation? Definitely with other diets, but with Cheat Your Way Thin, you’ll actually be excited to step on the scale week after week to view the consistent, steady progress that regular, strategic cheating yields.

Are you ready to experience just how enjoyable dieting can be? Are you ready to LOSE 10-15 lbs this holiday season (while everyone else is stuck gaining those 10-15 lbs)?

timhortondonuts You’re witnessing the best place in Canada – Tim Hortons – they are the KING of baked goods and I’ll devour at least half a  dozen of their donuts on my cheat days.

On Tuesday, November 24th, the less than half price PRE-SALE for the Cheat Your Way Thin Holiday Edition will open up exclusively to those who downloaded the Holiday Fat Loss Black Book. And even if you missed out, I have inside-hook ups with Joel and will get you in on the half-price sale because on November 28th, when the book goes on sale to the general public, the price will literally more than double. I appreciate you reading my blog and as valued  subscriber, I will be sure to take care of you with a huge discount come November 24th.

And I want to help you in the mean time so please post any questions, specifically on carbohydrate cycling, below.  If you have questions on leptin – click here to post your questions.


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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tony Horton P90X Interview

via Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS on 11/10/09

After an early dog walk, I did this 25 minute workout: Kettlebell swings and pushup circuit, then outside for sprints+mountain climber circuit. All with my trainer, Ballythedog. Perfect fall weather. Some of this was inspired by my interview with Tony Horton yesterday. And I've put the Tony Horton interview up on my blog...(pass it on)'ll discover his favorite workouts, his thoughts on

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Fostering An Active Lifestyle

via Blog by Administrator on 10/8/09

As a father of two, I’m amazed at how physically active children are by nature. My three year old son would play outside all day if we let him. He loves to run, jump, climb, wrestle, ride his bike, hit the bag, and throw the ball.

He often tags along at the gym and keeps himself busy by making up his own games and “moves” (as he calls them). When it is time to pack up and leave, he does his best to delay the exit. He always looks to extend the gym stay by a few more minutes.

My 15 month old daughter is following closely in his footsteps. One of the first things she wanted to do after learning to walk was put on her brother’s gloves and hit the punching bag. She was obsessed with her big brother’s gloves. My wife and I finally broke down and bought her a pair to help keep the peace.

She now brings the gloves and mitts to me. She smiles and laughs as she plays with them. And just like her big brother, she too is sad when it’s time to put them away. I’ve learned to distract her when it is time to clean up, otherwise she would keep the gloves on all day.

Lead By Example

I am not writing this entry to suggest that we push our kids to become champion athletes. If my kids want to play sports when they are older, I will support them, just as I’ll support them if they want to play the piano instead. I will never push them towards something they don’t enjoy.

Yet based on my own observations, it is clear that children imitate their parents. Their view of normalcy is based on what they encounter each day at home. I happen to be in the business of training fighters. My kids have seen fighters training here, and at the gym since day one. They are surrounded by a gym scene. It is both normal and fun to them. I first bought my son boxing gloves so he would stop taking dirty gloves out of the gym. He wanted to imitate what he saw around him. My daughter now imitates her big brother.

When my son was two, I asked him what he wanted for Christmas. He asked for a pull-up bar. Initially, I thought I misunderstood what he had said. But in fact he wanted a bar to imitate what he saw at the gym. Almost a year later, my son and daughter both pull at my leg to ask for a turn on the bar. We can’t get upstairs without one of them asking.

My kids find these physical activities enjoyable. I’ve never asked or pushed them to do anything. Kids by nature do what is fun. They will not actively do something that they do not enjoy. It is their nature to seek out and do what they find fun.


As a parent, it is my responsibility to prepare my children for the world around them. I don’t care whether they participate in sport or not, but it is important to foster physical, mental, and social development.

Unfortunately, many parents seem to believe their responsibility ends in the bedroom. I’ve met parents whose idea of entertaining their children is to sit them in front of the television. They don’t want to be “bothered” playing with their kids. They are too busy to play, yet oddly enough find time to update Facebook, track their favorite sporting teams, and keep up with their favorite television shows.

How do kids go from laughing and playing at the park to becoming sedentary, overweight teens and adults? It certainly isn’t natural. By nature, humans were born to move. Unfortunately, as children grow older, they are often encouraged to do otherwise. It’s easier to plop your kid in front of the TV as opposed to taking him outside to ride his bike or throw the ball.

Clearly, there are other causative factors, but the inactivity of our children is without question a contributor to the continuously increasing rate of adult obesity. Consider the link below for some recent statistics:

The Cost of Treating Obesity

It is sad to think that children who by their own accord would gladly run around all day will eventually become overweight adults. All too often parents look elsewhere for solutions, rather than taking a moment to ponder their own responsibilities. No one is more responsible for a child than the parents. It isn’t the responsibility of the school or government to develop a healthy child. Parents must take it upon themselves. The ability to freely move and enjoy the world around is something that all kids should enjoy. No parent should deprive their children of this simple pleasure.

We as parents need to take it upon ourselves to foster an active lifestyle for our children. Making time for active play is the most enjoyable part of my day. I wouldn’t trade those smiles for anything in the world.

I’m amazed at what many consider to be such a complex topic (ex. childhood obesity) is actually so easy to correct.  The first step is for parents to begin leading from the front.  Is that really too much to ask?  I can’t think of anything more important (to me) than my children and their health.  How could any parent think differently of their own children?

Parents need to wake up and take matters into their own hands.  They must put their children first and stop making excuses about what the world owes them.   They should instead worry about what they owe their children.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Outsmart Exercise Obstacles

via Weight Loss on 10/3/09

Having trouble getting in the exercise habit? Do little problems that pop up -- like disagreeable weather or an impromptu meeting -- keep getting you off track? Try writing down your intended workout and a second version with a "back up" plan in case the first doesn't happen.

Women who were requested to tell a workout goal, imagine the results, and list possible obstacles -- along with solutions to them! -- were able to lose more weight, faster, than those who did not. The researchers at Columbia University found those women who spent the time planning out how to avoid their possible obstacles were able to add in an extra hour of activity to their week.

So, pull out your Day Planner and pencil it in: "Tomorrow morning I will walk. If it rains, out comes the Leslie Sansone video." Research aside I've been doing this type of thing for years: Hey, it works for me! Give it a try.

Outsmart Exercise Obstacles originally appeared on Weight Loss on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 at 22:37:55.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Change Of Focus From Weight Control To Health

Most weight-control strategies emphasize energy-restricted diets and increased physical activity - and most are not effective over the long term. In a study of a "weight-acceptance" intervention, published in the November 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers found that there could be long-term beneficial effects on certain eating behaviors using a weight- acceptance intervention approach.

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Fast-Food Mistakes

via Men's Health Home Page on 11/8/09

Avoid these 20 on-the-go meals to stay trimmer and healthier all year round

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dr. Oz's 25Best Health Tips

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10 Weight-LossTricks that Work

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Top 3 Breakfast Recipes for Fat Loss

via by Mehdi on 11/12/09

Breakfast Recipes for Fat Loss
Breakfast recipes for fat loss. Image credit: nathanborror

A healthy breakfast is key to fat loss. By eating a healthy breakfast, you’re less likely to eat something unhealthy the rest of the day. Eating breakfast will also make you less hungry which prevents cravings.

But what should you eat for breakfast? The most common fat loss mistake is to start your day with starchy carbs like cereals or muesli or oats. While you need carbs for energy, it’s easy to overdo them and get fat.

That’s why the 8 nutrition rules advise to avoid starchy carbs at breakfast. What should you eat then? Here are the 3 simplest & quickest breakfast recipes that don’t contain starchy carbs and that will help you lose fat.

1. Omelets.
High in protein, low in carbs, high in veggies. You can remove the yolk if you don’t believe dietary cholesterol doesn’t influence blood cholesterol. But realize you’re throwing away all the vitamins and half the protein.

Avoid boredom by rotating the veggies. For even more variety, add meats or cheese and learn to use spices. Here are some ideas:

  • Veggies. Baby spinach, mixed peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, …
  • Meats. Ground round, minced beef, chicken ground/slices, tuna, bacon, …
  • Cheese. Feta cheese, grated cheese like Pecorino or Parmesan, …
  • Spices. Cumin, black pepper, cayenne pepper, sea salt, …

2. Cottage Cheese. High in protein, no carbs, zero preparation time. You might need time to get used to its taste. Quark cheese works too if you can find it. So does plain fat free yogurt although it’s lower in protein.

Avoid boredom by switching the fruits and/or nuts. And try cottage cheese with tuna so you can also add veggies like cucumber. Ideas:

  • Nuts. Almonds, walnuts, cashew, peanut butter, …
  • Fruit. Chopped banana, pineapple, apples, pears or berries.
  • Tuna. Sounds gross, but tastes good: try tuna with cottage cheese.

3. Smoothies.
Take zero time to prepare. Get a strong blender. Throw (frozen) veggies, fruits & whey in there. Mix it. Done. Some tips:

What about portion size and calories? If you stick to the 8 nutrition rules for fat loss, you can eat your stomach full without ever having to worry about this and while losing fat. Check them out." />
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Top 3 Breakfast Recipes for Fat Loss

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Coffee Decreases Quality Of Daytime Recovery Sleep For Night Workers

Night-shift workers should avoid drinking coffee if they wish to improve their sleep, according to research published in the journal Sleep Medicine. A new study led by Julie Carrier, a Université de Montréal psychology professor and a researcher at the affiliated Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur Sleep Disorders Centre, has found the main byproduct of coffee, caffeine, interferes with sleep and this side-effect worsens as people age.

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Does Green Tea Prevent Cancer? Evidence Continues To Brew, But Questions Remain

Although scientists are reluctant to officially endorse green tea as a cancer prevention method, evidence continues to grow about its protective effects, including results of a new study published in Cancer Prevention Research , a journal of the

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Mood Improves On Low-Fat, But Not Low-Carb, Diet Plan

After one year, a low-calorie, low-fat diet appears more beneficial to dieters' mood than a low-carbohydrate plan with the same number of calories, according to a report in the November 9 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. Obese individuals who lose weight tend to have an improved psychological state, including a better mood, according to background information in the article.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Research Shows Direct Link Between Soda And Obesity

While health officials have long suspected the link between obesity and soda consumption, research released provides the first scientific evidence of the potent role soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages play in fueling California's expanding girth.

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Healthy On-the-Go Eating Tips

via Every Diet by aub on 5/18/09


Eating healthy — sure we’d all like to, but who the heck has the time? Grabbing an on-the-go meal is simply a much more feasible option when you’re always, well, on the go. The downside of that option, however, is the consumption of too many calories, unhealthy fats, and fast-digesting carbs. Sounds to me like it’s time to make time for eating healthy.

Weight Watchers magazine offers some easy, time-saving tips for whipping up a healthy meal in a pinch. Here are a few you can use for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Breakfast Time-Saver. Hard boil five eggs on Sunday evening (they’ll last one week in the fridge), and portion one-cup servings of cereal in plastic bags. Each morning, just grab an egg and a cereal bag for a fast and satisfying breakfast you can eat on the run.

Lunch Time-Saver. Double your dinner recipes, then reinvent leftovers for a lunch you can eat on the fly the next day. Grilled chicken can become chicken salad (simply add low-fat mayo, celery, and diced apple). A turkey burger can be ground up and repurposed as a turkey taco salad by tossing the meat with romaine, black beans, salsa, and vegetables.

Dinner Time-Saver. When shopping, look for convenience foods that are high in fiber and low in preservatives, calories, and unhealthy fats. Whole grain pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, frozen vegetables, and frozen fruit without added sugar, are all great fast-lane options.

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Junk Food and Fatty Food Linked to Depression

via Every Diet by gerry on 11/3/09

SNACKCAKESIf binging on chocolate ice cream, snack cakes, and fried chicken, leaves you feeling bummed, it might be for a good reason.

Appearing in the British Journal of Psychiatry, a new study has discovered a link between fatty and processed food, and depression.

Results showed people eating diets packed with processed food had a 58% higher risk of becoming depressed.

Conversely, individuals consuming healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and fish, plus exercising, and not smoking, had 24% less risk.

Researchers credit antioxidants for fruits and vegetables depression-preventing effects, previous studies associate antioxidants with a decreased risk of depression.

And fish works because it is rich in healthy fats, like omega-3s, which promote brain health.

It’s hard to go wrong with fruits and vegetables, but nowadays, most fish comes with a high degree of mercury contamination, so, and for you vegans out there, foods like walnuts and flaxseed are also good sources of omega-3s.

For fish eaters, here’s a guide to help you choose low contamination fish: Environmental Defense Food Seafood Selector.

Via the AFP.

Image credit: Dunbar Systems Inc.

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Cardio interval training ....

Cardio interval training gives you the benefits that you probably never expected like the threat of a heart attack lessened if not eliminated altogether. Your heart will function overall better and more efficiently, and you will have increased metabolism thus burning more calories and losing weight. You will have improved lung capacity and eliminate cases of stress. So as you can see a complete body workout including cardio interval training along with a great healthy diet plan will get you in shape, fit, and let you live a long and healthy life.

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90 Day Transformation - Day 41

So today is the first post I'm putting up in a few days... My Internet Explorer got corrupted and I was having trouble getting on the Internet. Needless to say, if you have Internet Explorer, I would recommend you get rid of it! Firefox is so much better and faster.... But enough of my venting...

Today was my "PULL" workout day... which I actually love doing :-)

I got to the gym and dove right into my workout...

I hit my back with 4 exercises... each with 4 sets and about 12-15 reps per set...

The four exercises were:
- Lat Pulldowns
- Seated Rows
- Lat Pullovers
- Chinups

Then I hit my biceps... which I always do right after my back workout since my biceps are usually pretty pumped from the back exercises. I hit them with 3 exercises... 4 sets each and 15 reps per set...

The four exercises were:
- Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls
- EZ Curls with bar
- Preacher Curls

Then I hit cardio. Today I hit it a little differently. I jumped on the treadmill and did intervals every 1 minute (as opposed to every 3 minutes which I usually do). This was a lot more intense but it was exactly what I needed to shock my system!

Stay tuned and check back for my next post...

If you haven't seen my latest Before & After pics, check out my last blog entry post... you might have to look in the archive in the right side...

If you haven't checked out Vince Del Monte's system for losing fat and gaining muscle, click the links on the side...

See ya on the next post! :-)

Really inspiring - everyone has got to check this out

Here's the motivating story of the day :-) Time to get inspired!

via Lose Stubborn Fat! by joosh on 11/8/07

Mark "Rif" Reifkind is a Senior Russian Kettleble Challenge Instructor has a really cool blog about his training.  Today he posted pictures of his wife Tracy, the post is called "A Year of KB Training".  After one year of kettlebell training, his wife has lost over 100lbs.  She went from 245lbs to 138lbs and looks amazing.  You have got to check it out -

Rif's Blog - "A Year of KB Training"

for the full story - an the before pictures - check out the first article in this issue of Vitalics Magazine -

I know that most people who have over 100lbs that they would like to lose see it as nearly impossible, unless you're on "The Biggest Loser" TV show and have two workouts a day and meals prepared for you.   It's totally amazing to see someone lose that much fat, and reveal a lean toned hot body underneath. 

The article in Vitalics is titled "How To Lose 100lbs WIth No Drugs or Surgery In Less Than One Year".  And the thing that's so cool is if someone used drugs or surgery to lose 100lbs, they wouldn't look that good, they wouldn't feel that good.  They wouldn't be in that amazing of shape and feel that strong and be able to move that well.  And they wouldn't feel nearly as proud or inspired about their body.  That is why it's so cool to see a transformation like that from diet and exercise - it leaves you with an amazingly strong fit powerful body.  You get a body that inspires you.

In the article Tracy talks about how it's not just about looks, it's about her health and being there to take care of her family.  She's taking care of herself, so they she can continue to take care of her family.  Super, super cool.

It's amazing because it shows you what's possible.  I'm so totally pumped.  It's a really cool story, the before and after pics are totally inspiring.  I love to read stories like that.

I hope Rif and Tracy don't mind me borrowing this picture, but a picture is worth 1000 words:

Can you imagine that Tracy was 245lbs a year ago?  It's amazing - now she's healthy, lean, toned, fit, strong, balanced, flexible, and mobile.

I just found Tracy's Training/Diet Blog. I think keeping a blog is a really cool way to manage your training log and food journal, and it takes real guts to make it public. I strongly recommend keeping a training log/food journal, and making it a public blog is a great form of accountability.

Also check out Girya Kettlebell Training, their gym.  I think it's somewhere in the Palo Alto area.  If you are anywhere around there, I definately recommend training with them.

Quote from Tracy: "I often say that dieting changed the size of my body and KB training changed the composition. Not only am I 130lbs., but around 20% bodyfat!"

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How Many Exercises Do You Need to Do To Per Workout?

via Lose Stubborn Fat! by Josh Hillis on 4/3/09

So I was talking to a friend of mine who is a trainer.

He told me that he used to have his clients do 16 exercises per body part

But now he's having his clients do full body workouts, and they are doing 16 exercises per workout, all different body parts and his clients are getting much better results!

I'm like, ok...  sure...

My clients do four exercises every workout.

And four only.

Trainers are often shocked by that.  I had one trainer ask me if my clients get mad because there are only four exercises per workout!  WTF?  Are you serious?

People love it because it's simple, and it actually makes sense.  Oh yeah, and it works really, really well.

The Four Big Bang Movements

1.) Push (chest and triceps)
2.) Pull (back and biceps)
3.) Squat (quads, butt, hamstrings)
3.) Deadlift or Kettlebell Swing (your butt, and most athletic power)

We put it all together and we've hit your whole body.

But the sum is more than the parts.  Bigger movements produce faster results.

These are the four biggest movements. 

Simplicity Illustrated

Unlike the mainstream fitness world which really does just focus on "doing more things", the kettlebell world focuses on doing fewer things, and doing them better.

Case in point - in the kettlebell world everything centers around two movements:

1.) The Kettlebell Swing

The swing of course fits into the deadlift/swing category of movements.

2.) The Get Up

Believe it or not, the Get Up actually falls into the push category.  In the process of getting up, your pushing muscles have to do a ridiculous amount of stabilizing.  The get up is a crazy, full body, static push.   

Narrow Your Focus.  Get Better.  Watch Your Body Transform

If you talk to a Senior RKC or Master RKC (really badass kettlebell instructor), you'll find they base everything around these two movements, the swing and the get up.

Or even look at Pavel, the RKC Head Instructor, the guy who brought kettlebells to the US - I've never seen him create a workout program that focused on more than two exercises.

*Note: When you move from the RKC Curriculum (get ups and swings) to the RKC2 Curriculum, they add Pistols and Pullups...  hmmm, doesn't that sound like push, pull, squat and deadlift?

You Already Have the Tools

If you don't have a kettlebell, no problem.

I often have my clients do Swings with a gripper plate.

And there is no reason you couldn't do Get Ups with a dumbbell.

Cut Out the Distraction and Just Cause A Result

Lots of people are too distracted in their workouts to even know if they are making progress.

The biggest benefit of such a focused routine is that you either get stronger and fitter, or you don't.

Check out this workout we did in my kettlebell bootcamp class last night:

Get Ups x 5 left + 5 right
Kettlebell Swings x 50

Get Ups x 4 left + 4 right
Kettlebell Swings x 40

Get Ups x 3 left + 3 right
Kettlebell Swings x 30

Get Ups x 2 left + 2 right
Kettlebell Swings x 20

Get Ups x 1 left + 1 right
Kettlebell Swings x 10

Simple, ultra powerful workout. 

Dave "The Irontamer" Whitley, Sr. RKC, says "Spend time finding depth in the things you think you know." 

In other words, instead of looking for the next thing, get better at the things you're already doing.

It doesn't have to be complicated to give you results.

Often times a program being overly complicated can be what is holding you back.

Simplify and kick ass.

Save up to 30% on Dragon Door's classic Kettelbells

News: "Project X" is coming.

Project X is going to stay top secret for another couple weeks, because I'm making some final revisions.

(And no, Project X doesn't have anything to do with the new Wolverine Movie coming out!)

I'm just calling it that right now because I can't tell you what it is yet.

But it's going to change everything.

For the last few years, I've helped so many people lose fat and transformed their body with The Stubborn Seven Pounds or Fighter Workouts for Fat Loss.  I still get emails every week from people who's fitness has been changed forever. 

Project X is something completely different.  It will make the books work even better.

I know everyone reading this blog want every edge they can get to lose stubborn fat.  

For a year now I've been working on what could take S7 and FW4FL to the next level.

It's ultra simple.  And it's just what you need. 

Keep an eye out.

By Josh Hillis

Josh is the author of the ever-popular fat loss e-book: The Stubborn Seven Pounds

If you've already completed The Stubborn Seven Pounds, take it to the next level with one of these two programs:

"I've seen more results in 6 weeks training with Josh than I saw in the previous two years working out on my own" -Stephanie Weis

Josh has been featured in USA Today and The Denver Post.

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A Simple Plan for Changing Hard to Change Habits (from Z-Health)

via Lose Stubborn Fat! by Josh Hillis on 9/9/09

After reading this in this month's Z-Health newsletter, I totally had to ask them if I could share this with you.  It's an awesome article on the smarter, faster, easier ways to change habits.  Enjoy!  -Josh


Making a Change

Last month we challenged you to make just one change as relates to your eating. This month, we're going to talk about how our brains and bodies respond to change.

If you regularly read this newsletter, you are likely familiar with the concept of the SAID Principle — the body always gets better at exactly what it does. While we generally talk about this idea in relation to movement and performance, the brain works the same way with regards to everything we do (or don't do).

Habits are easy. Our morning ritual is our morning ritual because we don’t have to think about it. We frequent the same stores, take the same routes, buy the same brands, and return to the same restaurants because it’s the path of least resistance. This is precisely why habits are so hard to break.

While this may all be common sense to you, what you may not be aware of is that the body actually prefers it that way. We are hard-wired for survival as opposed to performance, which means that we want to conserve energy as much as possible — you simply never know when you need to outrun a cheetah (or, in more modern terms, avoid hitting swerving car next to you because the driver is chatting on their cell phone). And, making any sort of change requires additional energy — the brain literally burns more glucose when we have to do something out of the ordinary.

So, when you decide to "go for broke" and make several changes at the same time, any unplanned events in your life can easily derail the change you want to make. Your body literally runs out of energy to manage all of the changes, and falls back to what it already knows in order to make it through the day. So, while it may be frustrating to make changes gradually, it is a much more realistic approach for guaranteeing success because both emotionally and physically it requires less energy and won't place unrealistic demands on the body. Remember, success breeds success, so it is much better to have many small successes that add up, than to take on TOO much at once, fail and have to start all over at square one.

With that in mind, let's look at a few examples of places where people often struggle to make changes, and some ways to ease in to change.

Get More Sleep

Americans are notoriously sleep-deprived. Accidents related to sleep deprivation have been estimated to have an annual economic impact of $43 to $56 billion, and recent studies even indicate a link between chronic sleep deprivation and obesity. If you need to sleep more and improve the quality of your sleep:

  • Create a nighttime ritual. 30 minutes prior to bedtime, unplug. Get away from the computer, put the phone away.
  • Work to standardize your hours of sleep to a consistent amount 7 days a week.
  • Finally, shift your schedule in 15-minute intervals to work up to 7-8 hours/night. Move it back just 15 minutes one week, and then 15 minutes the next week. In virtually everyone’s schedule, there is 15 minutes that can be given up somewhere.

Eating Behaviors

Make just one change a week. Here are some possibilities:

  • Cut out a snack.
  • Add one vegetable.
  • Change one spice.
  • Move just one meal out from in front of the TV.
  • Throw out one trigger food.
  • If weight loss is your goal, count your calories for one week. The next week, reduce caloric intake by just 100 calories per day. Each week thereafter, continue to reduce your calories by 100 calories per day until you are eating at your appropriate caloric volume to lose weight. 

Fitness Training

85-90% of individuals who start a training program quit within the first 90 days, and 85% of that group quits due to injury. Given the large number of adults who claim to be on a training program, that is an awful lot of false starts. So, how do you start a training program you can stick with? As you have probably already guessed, slowly.

  • If your problem is you just don't feel like training, then our first recommendation is to choose something that you enjoy. Research shows your rate of success is much higher if you choose something you like, because you are considerably more likely to stick with it. So, this week, pick one thing you like, and commit to it for a minimum of 5 minutes and have fun. Soon, you'll find yourself getting your full training program in.
  • If time is a problem, realize you don't have to spend an hour a day in the gym to get or stay in shape. Look for 10, 15, or 30 minute windows in your schedule. It all adds up.
  • Lastly, if you are one of those 85% who quit due to injury, a mobility warm-up such as Neural Warm-Up 1 will make you more resilient against future injuries. That, combined with starting the first week at no more than 50% of what you think you are capable of and remembering the Z-Health principle of never push into pain, will go a long way towards injury-free training.

To summarize, 1) pick something you like to do, not something you feel like you have to do, 3) it doesn't have to be an hour, make it short fast and realize it is effective, and 3) ensure that your body is prepped for success by being prepared for movement.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

The Truth About Fat Burning Supplements

Be careful of "Fat Burners" flooding the market...

To check out Your Six Pack Quest, click HERE

I’ll admit, this next video is a little long winded but this is a topic I take very seriously and that you should be well informed so that you can maximize your fat loss results and to protect your health and wallet.

If you’ve ever had an experience with the latest fat burning supplement then you’ll know they are notorious for over promising and under delivering.

There’s far more at stake here then the latest bodybuilding supplement stealing your money and laughing behind your back - today I will pull back the curtain in far greater detail.

Most fat burning products are sold under the counter with a variety of names like fat burners, thermo formulas, metabolic boosters, reducing agents and many more.

The fat burning supplements that do work contain drugs such as ephedrine and caffeine which are both very powerful stimulants and yes, they are drugs.

However, what supplement companies commonly do is take the herbal forms of those, for example, caffeine comes from a plant called guarana and ephedrine comes from a plant called ma haung, and they put it in their product so they can market it as “natural” or “herbal.”

My biggest issue is that fat burners will work in the short-term but they will not sustain you for the long-term which is why many people fall victim of roller-coaster fitness success.

Fat burners will increase your metabolism up to 10% a day which can be very effective when you’ve progressed down to a very low calorie diet and have progressed up to to the greatest energy expenditure. To summarize, when you can’t take in any less and you can’t put out any more - this is the one and only time I would endorse a fat burning supplement because it will help melt that final few pounds of fat.

Typically, the only people who reach this state are bodybuilders and fitness models on the final few weeks of contest preparation and those on the final few weeks of a transformation contest.

Fat burners also have a diuretic effect which leads to water loss and suppresses your appetite by manipulating your brain neuro-transmitters. They’ll also increase your heart rate which is why you’ll notice that you begin sweating earlier in your workout and they can also cause headaches and tremors on the intermediate side of things. On the extreme side, they can result in a stroke or death.

The extreme cases rarely happen but if occurs more often if you have high blood pressure or heart problems and you should always consult with your doctor before using them period.

So why are fat burners so effective?

Fast forward to about 4 and 1/2 minutes into the video to find out.

As you can see I compiled a massive amount of research into this video to bring you just the nuts and bolts of this subject of fat burning supplements so that you will be very well informed on this serious matter.

When you’re done watching, don’t forget to share your comments and your own opinions on this matter. I would love to hear them.

Train hard and train even smarter,

Vince DelMonte

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Build Muscle & Lose Fat At The Same Time?

Great post from Vince Del Monte...

To check out Your Six Pack Quest, click HERE

Today is going to be different - you’re going to help my girlfriend, Flavia, and I.

Flavia is in a wedding taking place in the Dominican Republic in two weeks and I’ll be accompanying her as her bodyguard, I mean boyfriend.

If you’ve ever been invited to a pool party, beach or hot vacation then you naturally do a quick mental assessment:

Is my body beach worthy?florida-flav-085

Even though I think my girlfriend is a knock out, she would tell you that she would like to be tighter and more ripped.

I’m not complaining.

I would tell her I want to be bigger and more shredded.

She’s not complaining.

Whatever beach physique you’re visualizing, we all want THAT body that drops jaws and is a walking symbol of hard work, dedication and will power.

If you’re like me, you take pride being one of the few people on vacation who is in shape - it makes standing in line at the buffet with all the out-of-shape people all the more satisfying.

For sure, eh?

So we’re looking for some advice today.

Should we have focused on building muscle for a few months then burn the fat?

Or burn all the fat first and then try to gain some muscle afterward?

Maybe we could have done both at the same time?

My belief and strategy has always been:

Chase one goal at once. If your goal is to build muscle and you lose some fat in the process, consider it a bonus. If your goal is to lose fat and you build muscle in the process, consider it a bonus.

I like to chase one goal at once for three reasons:

  1. It’s easier to follow one specific diet dedicated to one specific goal.
  2. It’s easier to dedicate one specific training plan dedicated to one specific goal.
  3. It’s easier to stay focused.

Is it possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?


Just look at my transformations and the the dozens of success stories on my website who continue to prove this over and over. Since building muscle and losing fat happens by manipulating hormones, not only calories, many clients experience the best of both worlds.

However, 95% of the time, the majority of clients that achieve both achieve this goal unintentionally.

Meaning, they have no idea how this phenomenal experience occurred. They did lots of goods things and good things happened. Some fitness experts would say in all seriousness, “You got lucky!”

There are a lot of factors that go into building muscle and losing fat at the same time:

  • Detailed nutrient timing
  • Unique weight training protocols
  • Advanced supplementation techniques
  • Very strategic dieting
  • Specific cardio sessions

Plus more.

I wish it was as easy as following a bodybuilding style training program and a fat loss style diet but it’s not as you may be able to testify to.

So Flavia and I want to hear from you today. What do you think is the best approach to building muscle and losing fat at the same time?

Is it even possible?

What has worked for you, training and diet wise, and what methods were ineffective for you?

The past 10 weeks Flavia and I have been experimenting with loads of brand new dieting and training techniques I’ve never released in any of my programs and going to start sharing them if you can start sharing your own knowledge.

At least 75 comments on my blog and I’ll be back tomorrow to set you up with a free report on how you can eat your favorite foods - including doughnuts, pizza and brownies - to lose fat and build muscle at the same time.

No joke.

I have pictures and video to prove it so lets’ get those comments going and this is going to be your healthiest holiday season ever.


P.S. This picture is of Flavia and I in Siesta Key, Florida while doing some fitness/business stuff. I’m 203 pounds and 9% fat in that picture. Three weeks away from the Dominican Republic!


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Friday, November 6, 2009

Dietary fiber

Interesting tidbit on fiber...

Dietary fiber increases the roughage mass of the non-digested part of the food you eat, keeping it soft and moist. Foods that are high in fiber also keep you feeling fuller for longer, staving off hunger pangs and decreasing the amount of food you want to eat.

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Obesity Linked to Many Cancer Cases in U.S.

via WebMD Health on 11/5/09

As many as 100,000 cases of cancer could be prevented in the U.S. each year if Americans get rid of their excess body fat, a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research suggests.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

90 Day Transformation - Day 36 - Workout & Diet

Hey guys,

So this morning I woke up and did not want to get up at all because I slept really late because of the World Series (Yankees won... as you already know!). But I mustered enough energy to get my butt to the gym. I guess I wasn't the only one watching the game because the gym was EMPTY (LOL)...

Today was my "PUSH" Workout which consists of exercises that require me to push (duh!): Chest, Shoulders & Triceps were on the agenda. Here's my workout I did:


Incline Bench Press: 4 Sets X 15 Reps

Flat Bench Press: 4 Sets X 15 Reps

Pec Deck Flyes: 4 Sets X 15 Reps

Cable Crossovers: 4 Sets X 15 Reps


Military Press: 4 Sets X 12 Reps

Lateral Raises: 4 Sets X 12 Reps

Rear Delt Machine : 4 Sets X 12 Reps


Dips: 4 Sets X 12 Reps

(Since my triceps were being used in most of the other exercise, I didn't have to do too much to work them out)

When I got home, I ate immediately... Here's a tip: Try to eat within 45 minutes after you workout so you can feed your muscles and start the recovery process.

My 1st Meal:

Pile Of Turkey

3 Slices of Whole Wheat Toast

Coffee & Water

My 2nd Meal:

Protein Shake

My 3rd Meal:

Pile Of Turkey

2 Slices of Whole Wheat Toast

Coffee & Water

My 4th Meal:

Protein Shake

My 5th Meal (which I'll be having later):

Lettuce Wraps (probably have 4 or 5)

- Ground Turkey

- Romaine Lettuce

More Water

My 6th Meal (an hour or 2 before bed):

Protein Shake

Tomorrow is PULL day... Back and Biceps

Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps

Are you sick and tired of everyone telling you a different way to build muscle? Are you unhappy with how you look in the mirror? Are you frusturated with your slow progress in the gym? Are you ready to learn five simple steps that will teach you how to build muscle safely and effectively?

There is a good chance that you are not maximizing one of these four steps. Your problem and solution lies in correcting these essential steps before you have any chance of building a muscular and lean physique.

Get read to learn how to build muscle in four simple steps, in less time, without any drugs and without bogus supplements.

Step #1

Committ to lifting weights at least three to four times per week. Your goal is to stimulate your muscles with resistance (stress) which results in your muscles growing bigger to avoid the stress from occuring again. Once you go home, let the muscle heal through nutrition and rest, it will grow bigger and you will repeat this process again. Ideally you should hit your muscles once every 72 hours so you could perform 2 upper body workouts per week and 2 lower body workouts per week.

Step #2

Focus on eating at least 5-7x a day with balanced meals from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. If your goal is to build muscle than you should be eating at least 15-18 x your current body weight. Your carbohydrates should equate about 45% of your intake, your proteins should equate about 35% of your intake and your fat should be the remaining 20% of your intake. You should focus on over half of those meals being solid whole food meals and the remainder can be liquid meal replacment shakes.

Step #3

You should focus on stretching at least half the amount that you lift weights. One of the biggest mistkakes I see is people training, training and training with out any stretching. Stretching helps restore normal length to the tissue and if you are constantly training, your muscle tissues will shorten and big to perform weaker and slower and have a higher incidence of injuries. So if you are lifting weights 4 hours in the week, at least an additional 2 hours should be dedicated to stretching. You must counteract the shortening of the muscle tissues that occurs with weights or else you are a injury screaming to happen.

Step #4

Avoid supplements that have not been around for longer than 3 years. I learned this phisophy from an Australian strength coach who recommended not trying any supplement until it has been around at least 3 years to pass the test of time. This will make your life much easier and help you avoid all the marketing hoopla in the latest fitness and bodybuilding magazine. If you follow this rule, you will discover only a small handful of supplements still standing. Here are the ones you should not go with out: a high quality multi-vitamin, fish oil capsules, powdered creatine and a protein powder. These products will cover your nutritional basis for health, healthy body composition, strength and muscle mass.


About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at No Nonsense Muscel Gains
He specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle quickly without drugs, supplements and training less than before.

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Why Weight Lifting Is An Exercise That Delivers Top Health Benefits

While some individuals are strictly interested in obtaining muscle for aesthetics, for most people, this isn’t an interest. Instead, you’re more interested in knowing what health benefits weight lifting will have for you…

Far too many people overlook the many health and fitness benefits that weight training has to offer, and because of this, experience problems down the road with their body such as decreased bone density, a slowed metabolic rate, increased stress levels and other negative consequences that are associated with constant stress.

Increased Bone Density

Weight lifting, being one of the best weight bearing exercises you can do, will increase your bone density and help ward off osteoporosis or stress fractures in the future.

Many people think running is the best exercise for increasing bone density, but this isn’t necessarily true. If the truth is told, running actually promotes muscle breakdown in the body, while weight lifting, being an anabolic process, helps to promote the building of tissues.

Therefore, weight lifting is going to be much better at preserving your bone mass, not to mention it’s far less impact than going for an hour run.

Decreased Frequency of Injuries

When you strength train, not only are your muscles going to get stronger, but you’ll also work the ligaments and tendons that are connecting bones, muscles, and other tissues, thus reducing the chance they become injured when participating in other physical activities.

If you’ve ever been injured, you know just how frustrating this can be. In about 80% of all injury cases, the injury is a direct result of a tendon, ligament, or muscle not being strong enough when a stressful force is applied.

Since weight training will really hit all those deep tendons and ligaments, it’s the best injury prevention out there.

Reduction of Health Related Risks

Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular weight training can have a positive effect on health by showing reductions in the rate of insulin resistance, blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

If you couple a solid weight training program then with a well-thought out diet, you’ll be putting your best foot forward at warding off these chronic problems

Prevention of Fat Gain

The more you weight lift, the higher your metabolism will be, thus the more food you can eat while maintaining your weight.  If that isn’t good news for your future and the fight against body fat, I’m not sure what is.

Now,  with all of this said, one big problem many people run into is the thinking pattern that using a muscle building program will make you big and bulky.

This is most certainly not the case.

Let’s look at an analogy to gain an understanding of this.

Pretend you have two teams and each are going to try and build a house using the exact same building technique.

One team is given 10,000 bricks to construct this house, and the second team is given only 1,000 bricks.

Who’s going to build the bigger house?

The choice should be obvious – team one since they have more bricks to build it with.
Now, think of those bricks as being the calories you put into your body.  Unless you’re supplying enough calories, you aren’t going to build really big muscles.  This is precisely what makes bodybuilders look like bodybuilders.

It’s not just about the way they train, but more about the way they eat (if you’ve ever had a teenage son in the growing process in your house, you likely know just how much food must be consumed when growing at rapid rates).

Whether it’s growing in height during puberty or trying to build bigger muscles later on, calories must be supplied for this growth process to take place.

You can’t build a house out of nothing.  Likewise, you can workout all you want, but if those building blocks – in the form of amino acids, carbohydrates, and dietary fats are not there, you aren’t going to see too much muscle growth.

So, don’t get caught thinking that just because you add weight lifting to your workouts, you’re going to develop large bulky muscles.  If you control your diet, this simply will not happen.
So, hopefully it is clear now that just because you’re weight lifting, it does not mean you will end up with bulky muscles as a result.  Many people make this incorrect assumption – but it really is the diet that makes all the difference in how this weight lifting will shape your body.
When you make the decision to work with me using my 6-Pack Ab Quest program, I’ll take you through the weight lifting and ab techniques that will provide maximum results with minimal effort on your part (why spend more time in the gym than you have to?), as well as provide you with meal plans that are custom designed to ensure you get the best results from your training without the muscle bulk – in fact, the plans are formulated to help you shed the fat so you look leaner and more defined.

Not choosing to include weight training as part of your current workout program is without-a-doubt the biggest mistake you could make as far as your long-term health and fitness level is concerned.  Don’t let this exercise pass you by any longer.  

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at
He also specializes in teaching skinny guys how to get a six-pack and build muscle, without drugs, supplements and training less than before with his program found at

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