Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Double Dose Of Metabolism Protection: Strategic Carbohydrate Cycling

Great post from Vince Delmonte :-)

Back with another update on on the upcoming new program, Cheat Your Way Thin, and today we’ll be talking about carbohydrate cycling and how you can use this in your nutrition program to keep the hormone leptin (which we discussed yesterday) from dropping too low (resulting in fat storage).

By preventing leptin levels from dropping too low you’ll keep your metabolism soaring which means you’ll be burning fat all day long.  Have a close read over the valuable information below because it will show you what “dieting” should really be all about.

NOTE: Please read the comments from the blog post yesterday because the man-of-the-hour, Joel Marion in the flesh took the time to read your questions and give extremely detailed responses.  Do not read any further below until you understand how this important hormone – leptin – works.  I promise it will be worth your time extremely helpful for your fat loss goals.  If you need clarification on anything mentioned don’t hesitate to post below.

Click HERE to read the most important hormone you never heard of. (page opens in new window)

Below in another article from Joel that I have posted with his permission.

A Double Dose Of Metabolism Protection: Strategic Carbohydrate Cycling

Without a doubt the most important thing you can do while attempting to drop body fat is to maintain high levels of leptin day in and day out.

With Cheat Your Way Thin, we accomplish this via two different means:

First, every so often we use strategically timed periods of overfeeding or “cheating” to restore leptin levels to baseline. These full-blown cheat sessions are almost magical when it comes to interrupting the starvation feedback loop, preventing your body from “turning against” your dietary efforts and putting the kibosh on fat loss.

In addition to strategic cheating, we also use strategic carbohydrate cycling throughout the week in order to safeguard against falls in leptin and other fat burning hormones even on “diet” days.

If you paid close attention to yesterday’s article, you remember that leptin and carbohydrate have VERY strong ties. I even shared a study in which leptin levels were maintained during an all out fast (no food whatsoever) by simply maintaining blood glucose and insulin via an IV drip. Wow.

browniesI’ll clean that entire plate on my cheat, I prefer to call “treat” days

When It Comes To Leptin, Carbohydrates Are KING

But, just like with cheating, you can’t just eat a boatload of carbs every day and expect fat to magically melt away. It’s all about strategy.

So here’s how we do it.

After a Cheat Day, when leptin is extremely high and the body is incredibly primed to burn fat, we go with a low-carb approach. By going low-carb here, we can fully take advantage of the fat burning environment that the Cheat Day created. The end result – total fat loss domination early in the week.

Unfortunately, you can’t get away with this forever as leptin will inevitably start to drop off in the face of a daily absence of carbohydrate.

So just as leptin begins to drop off mid-week, guess what we do? Yep, add more carbohydrates—the influx of blood glucose and insulin push leptin back up and communicate with the brain that everything is A-OK. Then, toward the end of the week once the body begins to adapt again, we up the carb ante once again.

In addition the Cheat Days, the weekly carbohydrate progress of low to moderate to high ensures that you never go a single day without a body primed for fat loss.

With regular dieting, come week two you’re metabolism is already beginning to suffer.

Do you see how strategic this is? Do you see why this works so well?

It’s everything “typical” dieting isn’t.

Oh, and here’s another benefit of carbohydrate cycling ==> extreme variety.

Diets for the most part are BORING. Same foods every day. Not so with Cheat Your Way Thin – the menu is literally ALWAYS changing (and that’s in addition to being able to eat whatever you want on Cheat Days). Have a steak in the beginning of the week, a large fruit salad mid-week, and then pasta toward week’s end. It’s ALL fair game. We limit nothing, and frankly, you don’t have to.

yummy pizzaI will eat this entire box of pizza on another one of my treat meals

Oh, and did I mention just how HUGE all of this is psychologically?

Think back to those feelings of guilt and failure you experienced when you first “cheated” on your diet.I remember feeling like a failure and so disappointed with myself . Never again. Now when I cheat, it’s planned. And each time I do, I walk away knowing that I just accelerated my progress.

Frankly, it doesn’t get much better than knowing that you just used your favorite dessert to speed along fat loss.

Anxiety? Nope. When cravings arise, there is major comfort in knowing that you’ll be able to enjoy that very food in just a few short days when your next cheat session rolls around.

Simply put, strategic cheating solves the dietary dilema by providing you with powerful metabolic benefits and perhaps even more powerful psychological ones.

Feelings of discouragement and decreased motivation? Definitely with other diets, but with Cheat Your Way Thin, you’ll actually be excited to step on the scale week after week to view the consistent, steady progress that regular, strategic cheating yields.

Are you ready to experience just how enjoyable dieting can be? Are you ready to LOSE 10-15 lbs this holiday season (while everyone else is stuck gaining those 10-15 lbs)?

timhortondonuts You’re witnessing the best place in Canada – Tim Hortons – they are the KING of baked goods and I’ll devour at least half a  dozen of their donuts on my cheat days.

On Tuesday, November 24th, the less than half price PRE-SALE for the Cheat Your Way Thin Holiday Edition will open up exclusively to those who downloaded the Holiday Fat Loss Black Book. And even if you missed out, I have inside-hook ups with Joel and will get you in on the half-price sale because on November 28th, when the book goes on sale to the general public, the price will literally more than double. I appreciate you reading my blog and as valued  subscriber, I will be sure to take care of you with a huge discount come November 24th.

And I want to help you in the mean time so please post any questions, specifically on carbohydrate cycling, below.  If you have questions on leptin – click here to post your questions.


Posted via email from losefatandgainmuscle's posterous

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