Friday, November 6, 2009
Dietary fiber
Obesity Linked to Many Cancer Cases in U.S.
As many as 100,000 cases of cancer could be prevented in the U.S. each year if Americans get rid of their excess body fat, a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research suggests.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
90 Day Transformation - Day 36 - Workout & Diet
Learn How To Build Muscle In 4 Simple Steps
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Why Weight Lifting Is An Exercise That Delivers Top Health Benefits
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10 Foods You Probably Think Are Healthy, But Aren’t
Cereals aren’t as healthy as you think. Image credit: hello sunrise
You’re already doing that but not getting results? Maybe you’re not eating that healthy. Here are 10 foods you might think are healthy because they’re labeled as such, but which in reality are anything but healthy.
1. Breakfast Cereals. Cereals are labeled healthy & nutritive and recommended for weight loss. Read the labels: cereals are often high in sugar & salt and their vitamin/mineral content is chemical based. Drop that spoon.
Healthy alternative: one of these 7 breakfast recipes.
2. Granola Bars. Granola bars consist of healthy oats & nuts. But they’re glued together with blood sugar raising ingredients like corn syrup. Some bars even contain chocolate chips, making them as bad as candy bars.
Healthy alternative: homemade protein bars.
3. Yogurt with Fruit at The Bottom. Fat free doesn’t mean healthy. Labels tell you they contain added sugars, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. Same with fat free frozen yogurts which can contain 20g sugars per 1/2 cup.
Healthy alternative: plain unflavored yogurt mixed with fruit cut into pieces.
4. Bread. Convenient and tastes good, but not as healthy as you think. Whole grain or whole wheat means nothing. Dark bread can still contain corn syrup & trans-fats and eating too much bread will make you fat.
Healthy alternative: Ezekiel Bread, but lower your bread intake.
Bread is also not as healthy as you think. Image credit: Harald Schmid
5. Sandwiches. Often labelled “fitness” or “light”, but containing sugar-laden salad dressings, little veggies & proteins and too much white bread. Freshness is questionable and you need the foot-long to fill your stomach.
Healthy alternative: make your own sandwiches.
6. Fruit Juice. Even 100% fruit juice has added sugars, usually fructose. Cans of fruit juice contain up to 38g sugar per 8oz. Excess fructose causes obesity, bad cholesterol, poor appetite control, etc.
Healthy alternative: home-made fruit juice or eat fruit.
7. Sport Drinks. Supposed to help you replenish electrolytes, carbs, etc. But it’s actually sugar water, with up to 30g sugar/serving. If you eat healthy and don’t drink 2 gallons water in 1 setting, you don’t risk water intoxication.
Healthy alternative: water during workout, protein + carbs post workout.
8. Fast Food Salads. Contain sugar-laden salad dressings, croutons made from refined white flour or white floor pasta. In many cases you’re better off ordering a double cheeseburger than a chicken salad.
Healthy alternative: make your own salads.
9. Frozen Meals. Nothing is wrong with frozen veggies/fruits. But a lot is wrong with frozen meals often labeled “light” or “healthy”. They’re processed, high in sugar, and come with sauces & sodium. Avoid.
Healthy alternative: cook all your meals for the day in the morning or evening.
10. Diet Soda. Contain artificial sweeteners like the controversed aspartame. Do your research and decide if you want to take the risk. Start with this & this thread on diet soda in Forum.
Healthy alternative: water, water with squeezed lemon, green tea.
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Why You Should NEVER Do The Atkins Diet for Fat Loss
Atkins Diet. Image source: ariellesmail
The Atkins Diet is one of the most popular diets. 1 out of 11 North-Americans were on the Atkins diet back in 2003-2004. People reported losing 20lbs of weight during the first 2 weeks on Dr. Robert Atkins’ low carb diet.
But is the Atkins Diet effective for fat loss? In this post you’ll get an overview of the Atkins Diet and how it compares with other fat loss diets.
How The Atkins Diet Works. The Atkins Diet is a low carb diet. Legumes, fruits and starches are out until later in the diet. This forces your body to use fat for energy instead of sugar. The Atkins Diet has 4 phases:
- Induction Phase. You limit your daily carb intake to 20g. These should come from veggies. The induction phase lasts 2 weeks.
- Ongoing Weight Loss Phase. You up your carb intake by 5g/day each week. This phase lasts until you’re within 10lbs of your goal weight.
- Pre-Maintenance. You increase your carb intake by 10g/day each week. Goal is to find how much carbs you can eat without gaining weight.
- Lifestyle Maintenance. Whole foods and moderate carb intake. You can go back to previous phases if you gain weight.
What’s Wrong with Atkins? The Atkins Diet has you focus on losing weight, rather than losing fat. Wrong approach as I explained in Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss. More stuff that’s wrong with the Atkins Diet:
- Little Fat Loss. Carbs bind to water. Dropping your carb intake causes weight loss: water loss. Track your body fat using a fat caliper and you’ll see your weight loss isn’t pure fat loss on the Atkins Diet.
- Not for Lifters. Muscles use carbs for energy. Without carbs, you’ll lack energy during high intensity activities like weight lifting. The Atkins Diet can only work if you’re sedentary.
- Muscle Loss. Atkins doesn’t mix with strength training. Without strength training, your metabolic rate will go down, you’ll lose muscle and you’ll have a harder time sticking to your diet.
- Yo-Yo Diet. After the big weight loss — which is mainly water loss — the first 2 weeks on the Atkins Diet, progress gets slower. Often a plateau follows, which can make you quit and regain everything you lost.
8 Nutrition Rules vs. Atkins Diet. The 8 Nutrition Rules is also a low carb/high protein diet. But unlike the Atkins Diet it has you cycle between lower & higher carb intakes so you lose fat while your muscles get carbs for energy.
- Carbs Post Workout. Limiting starchy carbs to post workout increases fat loss while giving your muscles energy for strength training.
- Simple. You don’t need to count macros with the 8 Nutrition Rules and there aren’t 4 phases. You just eat whole foods and limit carbs.
Note that the Anabolic Diet is also different than the Atkins Diet. On the Anabolic Diet you avoid carbs for 2 weeks too, but then you load carbs 2 days per week. Your body uses these carbs for weight lifting on weekdays.
The right way to go low-carb is to cycle your carb intake. You need carbs for strength training. And you need strength training so you lose fat not muscle. Always focus on fat loss so you know what your weight loss is." /> Share This Stumble This Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Add to Email This More Get my free eBook Discuss this in the Forum Check my Coaching Program | Recommends Burn The Fat - How to lose fat while building muscle Eat Stop Eat - Build muscle and lose fat by fasting Muscle Gaining Secrets - Gain muscle mass fast and naturally Magnificent Mobility - Improve flexibility for Squats & Deadlifts Inside/Out - Fix your shoulder injury & Bench Press pain-free Strength Training Books - My recommended reading list |
Copyright © 2007-2009 STRONGLIFTS BVBA. Disclaimer.
Why You Should NEVER Do The Atkins Diet for Fat LossHow Many Meals Should You Eat Daily: Eat Every 3 Hours?
Do you need to eat every 3 hours? This question came up several times in the forum, like here. And usually it stems out of convenience: you lack time or are too lazy to cook. So you’re looking for a way to rationalize.
No time to eat? Make time, your body needs food. No time to cook 6x/day? Me neither. That’s why you must batch cook 1x/day. But practical things aside, let’s see if your body benefits from eating every 3 hours.
Why You Don’t Need to Eat Every 3 Hours. Popular myth: your metabolism — how many calories you burn at rest — is higher if you eat more frequent meals. That’s how eating every 3 hours would increase fat loss.
Research shows that eating every 3 hours doesn’t increase your metabolism. And less frequent meals or fasting doesn’t decrease your metabolism neither. Forum member Leanstrong posted the studies. Thank him for the info.
Why You Need to Eat Every 3 hours. Eating every day at the same time will make you hungry each day at the same time. More benefits:
- Fat Loss. You’ll get hungry if you go without food for more than 3 hours. And this can make you overeat at the next meal, preventing fat loss.
- Weight Gain. Try eating 6000kcal/day in 3 meals. Gaining weight is a lot easier if you spread your calories in 6-7 meals per day.
- Less Hunger. Smaller meals decrease your stomach size over time. Your stomach will feel full sooner. You’ll also stabilize blood sugar & insulin.
- More Energy. Eating 3 large meals of 1000kcal will make you sleepy & lethargic. Smaller meals: more energy, better focus, no set stomach.
- Less Cheating. You know you’ll have a healthy meal within 3 hours. Psychologically this makes it easier to keep your diet healthy.
Tips to Make Your Life Easier. Lack of time will prevent you to eat more than 3-4 meals/day. Here are some tips to make things work:
- Prepare Food in Advance. Cook your food for your day while making breakfast or dinner. This takes 1h and saves you stress the rest of the day. You’ll also save money compared to buying food outside.
- Take Food with You. Get plastic boxes and take everything with you to work/school. If you spend a lot of time in your car: buy a fridge.
- Free Time to Eat. Too busy at work? Take breaks. You’ll focus better if you take one every 2 hours. Read the Power of Full Engagement.
- Stop Caring. About what people do or say about your diet. This is your life and you have your goals. Make it happen.
What About Intermittent Fasting? On these diets you alternate fasting with eating. The length of the fast & feed depends on the diet. Examples:
- Alternate Day Fasting: 36h fast, 12h feed.
- Eat Stop Eat: 24h fast 1-2x/week.
- Fast-5: 19h fast, 5h feed.
- Leangains: 16h fast, 8h feed.
- Warrior Diet: 20h fast, 4h feed.
I’m doing Eat Stop Eat since 10 weeks now and highly enjoy it. Read my review here and the discussion here. The Warrior Diet and Leangains also work if you lift weights. Read this & this discussion in the forum.
Realize, however, that fasting is a different game. Eat every 3 hours or fast intermittently. There’s no middle way." /> Share This Stumble This Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Add to Email This More Get my free eBook Discuss this in the Forum Check my Coaching Program | Recommends Burn The Fat - How to lose fat while building muscle Eat Stop Eat - Build muscle and lose fat by fasting Precision Nutrition - 10 diet rules to build muscle & stay lean Magnificent Mobility - Improve flexibility for Squats & Deadlifts Inside/Out - Fix your shoulder injury & Bench Press pain-free Strength Training Books - My recommended reading list |
Copyright © 2007-2009 STRONGLIFTS BVBA. Disclaimer.
How Many Meals Should You Eat Daily: Eat Every 3 Hours?Nutrition 101: 8 Simple Nutrition Rules to Build Muscle, Lose Fat & Get Stro...
How you look is largely influenced by what you eat. Lack of muscle mass, high body fat, lack of energy at work or at the gym, bad skin, digestive problems, … All of that can be caused by unhealthy nutrition.
Since there’s a lot of confusion about what to eat and why, here are 8 simple nutrition rules that will help you build muscle, lose fat & get stronger.
1. Eat Breakfast. You get energy from the first hour and you’ll be less hungry the rest of the day. It also sets the trend: you’ll tend to eat healthier if your day starts with a strong & healthy breakfast.
Your best bet: omelets, smoothies & cottage cheese. Read how to build the habit of eating breakfast and try these breakfast recipes.
2. Eat Every 3 Hours. The easiest way: breakfast, lunch, dinner, post workout, pre bed and 2 snacks in between. Benefits:
- Less Hunger. Eating more smaller meals vs. few big meals will decrease your stomach size. You’ll feel full faster and your waist will trim.
- Less Cravings. Not eating for long periods usually causes overeating at the next meal or ending at the candy machine.
Eat at fixed times every day and your body will get hungry at those fixed times. Example: 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, 7pm & 10pm.
3. Eat Protein with Each Meal. You need protein to build and maintain muscle. Proteins also help fat loss since they have the highest thermic effect. And they satiate: proteins make you full longer than carbs.
How much protein should you eat daily? At least 1g per pound of body-weight. That’s 200g/day if you weigh 200lbs. The easiest way to get this amount is to eat a whole protein source with each meal. Some include:
- Red Meat. Beef, pork, lamb, deer, buffalo, etc.
- Poultry. Chicken, turkey, duck, etc.
- Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc.
- Eggs. Don’t believe the cholesterol myths. Eat the yolk.
- Dairy. Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, quark, yogurt, etc.
- Whey. Not necessary but great for easy post workout shakes.
Check also these protein sources for vegetarians & vegans.
4. Eat Fruits & Veggies with Each Meal. Most of them are low calorie: you can eat your stomach full without gaining fat or weight. Fruits & veggies are also full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber which helps digestion.
Some of my favorite fruits & veggies are: apples, berries, pineapple, oranges, bananas, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, pumpkin, beans, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, roman lettuce, chicory, peas, etc
5. Eat Carbs Post Workout Only. 70% of population is carb intolerant: they get fat eating excess carbs. While you need carbs for energy, most people eat more than they need. Limit your carb intake to post workout only.
- Eat Fruits & Veggies with all Meals. These contain little carbs compared to whole grains. Exception: corn, carrots, raisins.
- Other Carbs Post Workout Only. This is rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, quinoa, oats, etc. Avoid white carbs and eat whole grain.
- Exception. If you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain weight: eat carbs post workout and post post workout. More if needed.
6. Eat Healthy Fats. Healthy fats improve fat loss and health. They also satiate, digest slowly and are cheap. Eat healthy fats with every meal and avoid artificial trans -fats & margarine. Balance your fat intake.
- Saturated Fats. Increase testosterone levels. Dietary cholesterol is not bound to blood cholesterol. Real butter, whole eggs, red meat.
- Monounsaturated Fats. Protect against heart diseases and cancers. Extra virgin olive oil, olives, mixed nuts.
- Polyunsaturated Fats. Increase testosterone levels, promote fat loss, decrease inflammation, … Fish oil, ground flax seeds, mixed nuts.
7. Drink Water. Strength training causes water loss through sweating which can impair muscle recovery. Drinking water prevents dehydration but also hunger since an empty stomach can make you think you’re hungry.
- 1 US Gallon Water/Day. Drink 1 cup of water first thing on waking up, 2 cups with each meal and sip water during your workout.
- Get a Brita Filter. Cheaper than bottled water and tastes better than straight tap water. Try also green tea & water with squeezed lemon.
- Ignore Water Intoxication. Eating healthy as explained in this post will make sure you replenish your electrolytes. Unless you do crazy stuff like drinking 2 gallons water in 10mins, you’ll be safe.
8. Eat Whole Foods 90% of The Time. Read 10 foods you think are healthy but aren’t and 20 super foods. To really get the results you want, 90% of your food intake should consist of whole foods.
- Whole Foods. Unprocessed and unrefined (or little refined) foods that come as close as possible to their natural state. Examples: fresh meat, fish, poultry, eggs, veggies, legumes, fruits, rice, oats, quinoa, …
- Processed Foods. Usually contain added sugars, trans-fats, nitrates, corn syrup, sodium and more chemicals. Examples: bagels, fruit bars, cereals, pizza, cookies, sausages, frozen meals, supplements, …
Eat whole foods 90% of the time. Difference in result is insignificant compared to eating 100% healthy. So if you eat 6x/day, you can eat 4 junk meals per week guilt-free. Same with alcohol & sweet drinks: 10% of the time is ok.
Example Diet. Forget about portion size and calories. Just eat your stomach full. You won’t get fat eating healthy foods. Especially not if you exercise and with all the veggies. Example diet using the above 8 nutrition rules:
- Breakfast: eggs with veggies, orange, green tea
- Snack: mixed nuts, pear
- Lunch: tuna, roman lettuce, olives, olive oil
- Snack: cottage cheese with apple
- Post workout: ground round, quinoa, spinach, banana
- Dinner: chicken, spinach, baby carrots, peer
- Pre-bed snack: cottage cheese, berries, ground flax seeds, fish oil
Nobody has time to cook 6x/day. Prepare your food for the day while making breakfast or dinner. This takes about 1 hour and is key to making this work." /> Discuss this post in the Forum Make a donation Apply to my Fitness Coaching program Get a T-shirt Join the Facebook Group Get my free eBook | Recommends Precision Nutrition - 10 diet rules to build muscle & stay lean Burn The Fat - How to lose fat while building muscle Magnificent Mobility - Improve flexibility for Squats & Deadlifts Inside/Out - Fix your shoulder injury & Bench Press pain-free Strength Training Books - My recommended reading list | © 2007-2009. Disclaimer.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Expert Review Of : Your Six Pack Quest By Vince Delmonte
Naturally, most guys are on a "Six Pack Quest" where they would like to develop washboard abs. Besides the obvious health benefits of not carrying around excess fat, guys are usually motivated to have a "six pack" to impress females.
In this review, we'll take a look at an exercise program called "Your Six Pack Quest" put together by author and fitness expert Vince Delmonte.
A Quick Review Of How "Your Six Pack Quest" Actually Works
As the name implies, the overall goal of the program is to help guys develop washboard defined abs. The beauty of the program is it encompasses different levels for different people - from absolute newbies to more advanced individuals. It also has a step-by-step diet plan as well.
One of the biggest highlights of "Your Six Pack Quest" is the inclusion of a 16-week, 3-day metabolic boost fat loss program. Included in this is a motivation plan, weight training program, cardio outline, meal plan, supplement guide and lifestyle plan.
Who's Vince Del Monte?
The creator of the program is Vince Del Monte, one of the most sought after fitness experts in the industry. Vince himself went through an impressive body transformation...and today sports one of the most incredible physiques around. It is some of the very same methods that worked for him that he includes in "Your Six Pack Quest".
The Pros & Cons Of "Your Six Pack Quest"
The pro of "Your Six Pack Quest" is the amount of information that Vince provides to people. It is a complete system that goes into workout as well as the diet needed to achieve your goals. The only con, ironically enough, is because it has so much information, it can be overwhelming to a brand new person looking to get into shape.
What You Will Get With "Your Six Pack Quest"
Whe you visit the website, you'll be able to read all the information about the program and read testimonials (and see actual "before and after" pics) from people who've used Vince's program. You'll also be given an offer to purchase the premier program which includes:
1. No-Nonsense Muscle Building eBook
2. No-Nonsense Muscle Building DVD
3. Hard Gainers 84-day Mass Meal Plan
4. 29-Week Beginner's Program
5. 29-Week Advanced Program
6. Upside Down Training
7. No-Nonsense Virtual Trainer
8. The Supplement Watch Files
9. Unlimited Lieftime Updates
10. iPod Audio Program
11. 84-day Cheap/Veggie Mass Meal Plan
If you choose not to get the premier program, you can simply opt for the eBook.
So What's The Verdict On "Your Six Pack Quest"?
"Your Six Pack Quest" is recommended for both men and women who want to develop sculpted physiques, specifically a sculpted midsection. With the exercise plan and meal plan, this is by far the best product in the Industry.
Lastly, there is a FULL 60-day money back guarantee! So if you're not completely satisfied... Well, let's just say I don't think you'll have to worry about that. That's how impressed I am with this product... and I know you will be too.
Click Here To Visit The "Your Six Pack Quest" Website
90 Day Transformation - Day 35 - Workout And Diet
Choosing A Gym - 10 Things To Look Out For
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Weight Loss Programs - Finding A Weight Loss Program That Works
If you're currently on the search for weight loss programs, you'll need to consider a variety of things. All weight loss programs are not created equally; some will have a much higher rate of success than others. Knowing exactly what to look for when searching for weight loss exercise programs will help enable you to make a decision that will get you the results you're looking for. First, if you're like many people, you probably want a free weight loss program. The thing to keep in mind though is that these are free for a reason. They are targeted towards the general public and as such, give such broad suggestions that while it may work for one person, it will not work for you. For example, if you are a 200 pound man and the free weight loss programs you are finding are more geared towards a 140 pound woman; you can see why this would obviously be problematic. The first thing to ask yourself when you see a weight loss diet program is how personalized is it. I'm sure you've heard the saying that "General programs produce general results," which is very true. The more personalized and targeted the solution is to your individual situation, the higher your chance of consistent weight loss. Next, ask whether it allows for enough calories to keep you from completely starving. While it may be tempting to try a very low calorie approach to get the weight loss process over and done with, usually these end up backfiring on you, leaving you gaining more weight back after you go off them than you had when you first started. Your goal is to burn the fat, not starve the fat and the majority of weight loss programs force your metabolism to shut down which leads to muscle loss - a doubled edged sword contributing to greater fat storage on your body. Another component that you'll want to factor in is exercise. A good weight loss exercise program will combine both cardiovascular training along with weight training. Those weight loss exercise programs that have you doing hours of cardio on end are not going to be all that beneficial at retaining your lean muscle tissue mass, nor time efficiency. Since, your lean muscle tissue is what keeps your metabolism the highest; it's what you really want to focus on the most. Neglecting this aspect of your workout is a huge mistake and does not maximize the 24 hours in a day you have to burn fat. Finally, keep in mind that any weight loss program you go on you should be maintainable in the long run. A program that you're only able to maintain in the very short term is likely to not be overly beneficial as if lifestyle changes are not made with regards to how you're eating; chances are that the weight will be back at some point in the near future. Your ultimate goal is a lifestyle change, not a temporary change. So, if you want to get on a weight loss program that works, be sure to check out Your Six-Pack Quest. As you'll discover when you sign up for this plan you'll get 9 balanced meal plans, 84 days each, ranging from 1200 to 2800 calories. You have literally zero guess work because these plans include grocery lists, a wide variety of meals, tasty meals, and exact times to eat. Follow the plans to the letter and you'll have a ripped and sexy six pack 6 months tops. |
---------------------------------- About the Author:Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at |
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
May 18, Interval Training Benefits
Interval training and workouts and the benefits you derive.
Day 33 - Today's Workout & Diet
So here's my workout that I did this morning... EARLY this morning... I felt pretty good when I woke up and soon as I hit the gym I went straight to my workout:
- Lat Pulldown: 4 Sets X 12-15 Reps
- Seated Rows: 4 Sets X 12-15 Reps
- Reverse Grip Pulldowns: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
- T-Bar Rows: 4 Sets X 12-15 Reps
- Dumbell Hammer Curls: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
- Preacher Curls: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
- EZ Curls: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Because my goal is to tone up and lose weight (as opposed to building mass), I was keeping my rest periods to a minute or so... And because of these short periods, the weight I was using was medium level... Not too heavy... Not too light...
In fact, I don't really lock myself to a certain amount of weight I lift... I go by feel. It should be light enough that I can do 12-15 reps... But heavy enough that by the time I hit my 12th or 15th rep, I am giving it all I got. Some days, this means going lighter and some days, this means I go heavier. It's all based on how I feel that day. Some people like locking themselves to a specific weight... and that's great. I simply do what works for me.
After working with weights, I hit cardio for 20 minutes on the treadmill. I walked briskly for 5 minutes... then ran for 1 minute... then walked for 1 minute... then ran for 1 minute... and repeated this walk/run interval until I hit 20 minutes on the treadmill. By the time I was done I was pretty fried and ready to EAT! For me, combining weights and cardio has worked for me and from what I've read it's the best way to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.
As far as my diet (so far... since it's only 3pm) has been pretty clean. When I got back from the gym, I had some turkey sausage and 2 slices of whole wheat toast. I also had a low-carb protein shake and 2 cups of coffee.
Then about 3 hours later, I had a pretty big sandwich. Actually it was more like a PILE of turkey between 2 slices of whole wheat bread (LOL). I had a huge bottle of water to wash it all down.
Then 3 hours later, I had a low-carb protein shake... And as I write this, I'm having another turkey sandwich.
For dinner, I plan on having a turkey burger or two. And about an hour and a half before going to bed, I'll probably have another low-carb protein shake. And don't forget... MORE WATER!
My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle so I'm trying to keep protein high and carbs limited...
Till tomorrow!
Weight Loss Tips - Effective Weight Loss Tips to Help You Succeed
In today's world, almost everywhere you look people are looking for weight loss tips. Weight loss has become the primary objective of those who are going to the gym. They want to lose weight and they want it NOW. Luckily, there are some weight loss tips that will make this process a great deal easier, ensuring that you can succeed without feeling like you're putting your body through torture. Calorie Intake The first couple quick weight loss tips are number one, be sure that your calorie intake is not too extreme. Think about it. Put yourself on a starvation diet and you are just asking for a rebound binge. Sure, you may have great will power and will be able to withhold for a few days, but you will soon cave and when you do, chances are you'll eat a vast quantity of food in response to starving for so long. If your caloric intake is too low to begin then where will you go when you hit a plateau? For example, a male will be far more successful starting with 2800 calories and dropping 200 calories every 2 weeks as he evaluates his progress instead of starting at 2000 calories and only having one direction to go - starvation which will eventually turn off his metabolism and stall his weight loss progress. Gradual Progression Secondly, keep in mind current "nutrition level." Do you really need a bodybuilder pre-contest diet or do you just need to start with the basics? If you begin with a meal plan that is too extreme then you will not be able to follow it and regardless of how well the diet is designed, if you aren't able to stick with it, it isn't going to work very well. My favorite line of mine is, "The best diet that works is the one that you follow." Adopting a more gradual nutrition approach, just like your training, would help with your adherence levels, which would then translate to you being better able to maintain it. One of the best weight loss tips I gave a client who was eating 2 double cheese burgers a day was to start eating one double cheese burger! Why didn't I recommend he eat a steamed chicken breast instead since that is the superior choice? The steamed chicken breast, obviously the mores superior choice would be too much of a change and not create adherence and eventually failure. Celebrate With a 10% Meal Another few fast weight loss tips are that you should always be incorporate a "victory meal" to reflect your accomplishment and progress. If you have gone a few weeks without any cheat meals and are dropping consistently then kick back and have a beer or do something that is "rewarding" - just don't get too carried away and don't get back on track. You won't sabotage weeks of dieting with one "victory meal" as long as you don't adopt a mindset that this celebration represents an "ending." The key is to not get carried away and to use this as a reward, refocus and get ready for another 4-8 weeks of hard training and dieting. Consider a "celebration meal" every few weeks and then get back on track! Smart Exercise Program Next up, when selecting the exercise program you'll go on, again, be sure not to choose something that's overly extreme. Too much cardio can actually hinder your results, so you'll want to avoid that as much as possible. Three to four sessions a week along with a properly planned out diet should be plenty to get you seeing results. If you are having to do hours a day in order to just lose a pound, something else is off with either your diet (most likely) or your weight training program. Clear The Clutter Finally, the last quick weight loss tip to keep in mind is that before starting any diet program, you should rid the house of any foods that could be problematic. If the food is not readily available, it makes it sort of hard to eat it. Consider you home a "haven" and that it's one thing to have slip ups occur outside of your home but not inside of your home where you can control what is coming in and out. Sabotaging your own weight loss success, in your own home, is embarrassing. By clearing yourself of the problem foods before you start, you overcome a huge obstacle already. Replace these 'bad' foods with ones that are much healthier and will still taste good, so when you do get hungry, they are what you reach for rather than the old foods which caused your weight gain in the first place. |
---------------------------------- About the Author:Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get with weight loss tips to get a six pack without gimmicks, supplements or dieting. |
Fat Loss For Idiots, Easy Ways To Lose Fat
Are you looking for a weight loss program that works? If so, you've probably seen the Fat Loss for Idiots program around, along with plenty of Fat Loss For Idiots Diet Reviews. What's this program about? It's touting to offer you a high rate of fat loss with minimal effort involved. Fat Loss For Idiots works on the claim that it is all about eating your foods in a certain manner throughout the day, while decreasing the attention that is paid to a proper exercise plan. But how beneficial is Fat Loss For Idiots? Understanding some common dieting myths is important to determine whether this program is worth its salt. First, if you read their premise, they state that if you eat 2500 calories a day, your body will adapt and stop burning 2500 calories a day. Well sorry folks, but that just is not correct. If your body adapted to burning off however many calories a day you are eating, how do you think you got fat in the first place? Your body certainly did not adapt to those calories - what makes you think it will adapt to the ones this program tells you to eat? The bottom line is that if you are looking for a smart way to lose fat, you will need to create a caloric deficit. Your Six Pack Quest does this. By reading through it, you will get access to a metabolic calculator to determine the optimal number of calories your body needs to guarantee fat loss, without feeling like you're starving. Sure, if you have been on a starvation diet, you will need to up the calories - and when you do, you'll find you do actually lose weight! But if you are currently eating thousands of calories, your body will not adapt to burning those off. You need an action plan that works - Your Six Pack Quest will lay it out for you in easy to understand terms that anyone can follow. Next, when looking at the Fat Loss For Idiots program, they downgrade exercise stating that it doesn't 'matter' when it comes to gaining or losing weight. How can exercise not matter?! Study after study has shown that dieters who combine exercise with their dietary efforts show a much higher rate of fat loss, rather than a mixture of muscle and body fat. Do you know what happens when you lose both muscle and fat? Your metabolism slows down. So sure, you've lost weight but now your natural metabolic rate is slower meaning you have to eat less for the rest of your life! Is that something you want? A diet of rabbit food forever? Didn't think so. Your Six Pack Quest will show you how to exercise productively, where you aren't spending hours in the gym, but you are getting results. Doing so will help you retain that crucial muscle mass, thus helping keep your metabolism revved and make maintaining your weight loss a piece of cake. So, instead of falling for another gimmicky plan that promises rapid weight loss (they claim 9 pounds in 11 days - which will be mostly water anyway), opt for a plan that combines both a healthy, long-term way of eating with healthy exercise that doesn't feel like torture. Your Six Pack Quest offers meal plans just as Fat Loss For Idiots does, but it takes things one step further - you'll also received detailed exercise descriptions and plans for a variety of exercise needs, a workout DVD, a virtual trainer, supplement information, along with continuous updates on all the latest on the research front related to fat loss. It really is an all inclusive program that will address all the factors that contribute to weight gain - not just diet alone. Remember, losing weight should be a lifestyle approach, not just changing what you put on your plate. |
---------------------------------- About the Author:Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting. |
Monday, November 2, 2009
"Way-Before & Before" pictures... I'm currently working on my "After" pics...
Welcome To My Blog... And My Very FIRST Post! :-)
For the last month or so, I've been documenting my workouts on Youtube with Video Blogs... but I figured having an actual blog will actually allow me to record my workout, eating habits, any vitamins I decide to take, etc.... and also post articles that I've read that are helping me.
In this blog, I'll also review diets and programs that I've used in the past or present that are working for me... and I'll even review "stuff" that didn't work for me as well.
Lastly, I'll try and "import" Youtube videos I've made over the last month on my channel onto this blog... so you can see my progress or lack thereof... and hopefully, you'll post comments and follow along with your own fitness or diet program.
Till the next post...